About Me

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Beloit, Wisconsin, United States
I'm Reece Fox; a 23 year old World of Warcraft playing, peace loving, song singing, tree hugger. I've got a sharp tongue, a hot temper, and a sarcastic quick-witted humor. Love me, hate me, just don't try to make me. Being something I'm not just ain't me.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don't Let the Door Hit Ya, Where the Good Lord Split Ya.

With this ring.... I thee wed.
I'm highly impressed with the fact that my husband
of 3 1/2 years suddenly lost the ability to tell me
"I love you" ever since I moved to Wisconsin.
And by highly impressed... I mean highly pissed!
Although I shouldn't be surprised,
I really shouldn't be.
And even if he did say it,
it's not like it would fix our past.
I'm just really good at
letting others make me feel worthless.
I'm hurt because I feel like
I'm not important enough to be loved.


  1. Wow that sucks. do you say the phrase often, I know with me and my Gf if she says it too often I get burnt out on it. Its as if the word love was a ocean, and, everytime you use the word it creates a wave. If you say it too frequently youll wash away the beach leaving nothing but a cliff. This will make the ocean rough.

  2. You are definitely worth being loved, and to his credit it is better to know his true feelings than have him filling you with false hope or leading you on. Just because this man isn’t up for the job doesn’t mean every man will be a disappointment. Its his loss, you are a beautiful, bright firecracker and I can’t wait to see what you create with your passion.
