[Gossip Bitch #1] "Did you see what she was wearing?"
[Loyal Follower] I KNOW!
[Gossip Bitch #2] "She could go straight from work to a street corner!"
[Loyal Follower] DEFINITELY! {insert malicious laughter}
{Innocent Eavesdropper} Who you guys talking about?
[Gossip Bitch #1] You mean you didn't SEE her?! Oh, trust me.
You'll know it when you see it.
[Gossip Bitch #2] She's wearing her hooker boots today.
[Gossip Bitch #1] Prostitute boots.
[Loyal Follower] YEAH! What a slut!
{Innocent Eavesdropper} Ohh. Ok. {walks away}
I didn't mean to be dropping eaves. I really didn't, (at least not THIS time). However, if you're going to talk shit about somebody you work with, you really shouldn't do it in the breakroom. And you really shouldn't do it while other employees are within ear shot, especially when that "certain hooker" you're talking about happens to be your boss.
When I heard the word "SSSSSSLUT" come from the lips of the loyal follower, to be honest, it shocked me! I was dying to find out what my manager was wearing that stirred up so much chatter. I obviously didn't take a photo of my manager, but I found these outfits to show a general idea of her attire from the waist-down.
I know what you're thinking!! These women look like total prostitutes, right? I mean, they might as well quit their day jobs and turn to cheap condoms, smoking crack, and a boyfriend named Big Daddy. LoL. Seriously? Aside from the tube top, I don't think these outfits look inappropriate for Kohl's. Certainly not deserving of the word "SLUT". It was clear to me that these women were just jealous. I felt pity because I know if I was in my 40's,50's, had gray hair, wrinkles, and bad teeth... I'd be jealous too. Just not jealous enough to defame somebodys character over something as silly as shoes!
Well, it just didn't sit right with me. I decided to go to the manager. I told her what I overheard, and that it made me feel awful and uncomfortable. It resonated with me because we are supposed to be good to one another as co-workers. It should be us against the customers, not each other. We're all in the same boat, even the managers. It's just a job, and we shouldn't let it define who we are.
Long story short, the loyal follower found out that I passed along the slut comment. I found this very unsettling, especially since I never divuldged any information about where the comment came from and who was participating in the conversation. I felt guilty because I was actually friends with the follower, but I realized something; I feel negative because I surround myself with negative. So, when the loyal follower blocked me from FBook I wasn't upset. She was actually doing me a favor. 2011 is a new year, and a fresh start. So, step 1 on my journey to aboslute self discovery:
Surround myself with something positve and become something positive.