About Me

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Beloit, Wisconsin, United States
I'm Reece Fox; a 23 year old World of Warcraft playing, peace loving, song singing, tree hugger. I've got a sharp tongue, a hot temper, and a sarcastic quick-witted humor. Love me, hate me, just don't try to make me. Being something I'm not just ain't me.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Your God Looks Like My God

I believe that if there IS a God, He works in mysterious ways. Some of His work is hard to find, and some is even harder to explain. Whoever He is, He clearly has a sense of humor. There's no denying that much. Take kitty here for ex.

Isn't this just adorable!

I don't believe there is one God. I believe in what you could call a, "Personal Jesus", and the possibility that there is a "perfect God" for every individual. Somebody may desire a strict symbol to worship, wheras somebody else may desire multiple God's to help them through life. It's all about finding your God, but ALSO being happy for your neighbor when they find their God... even if it's not exactly the same as yours.

To be perfectly honest, I don't know where I came up with this belief. It wasn't taught to me by anybody. Even though my mother tried to raise us Catholic, I haven't fully read The Bible. I've only read the "cliff notes" so to speak. I know a little here and there about this and that, but I don't know enough to classify myself as any one religion. Even as a kid I was too independent to want somebody telling me a "proper" way to worship the Lord. I'm just ME, and I believe in what I believe! Simple as that. Aaaand... so long as nobody has definite proof of who's actually got it right, I'm going to continue doing so.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blizzard... And I Don't Mean Dairy Queen.

There's so much snow on my back porch that I can't open the door!!!

This is not my door, BUT this is a fucking brilliant idea.
It's February. So, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about snow in February. I would just prefer the ability to get to and from work in it. Luckily I don't work all week until Thursday because I would have wound up screwing them over by calling out. Sorry, call me selfish.... I'm not risking my safety for Kohl's. This job is just not that important, let's call a spade a spade. I make less than $8/hour. Not worth it.

Last year I threw my cat, Jack, in the snow just to see what he'd do. (Curiosity. Cats. You know. Anyway...). He started making his way to the neighbors part of our split double deck. He loved it!! I had to chase after him! It was hilarious. He wasn't getting far because it was a foot over his head. This year if I threw him out there.... I'd consider turning myself in for animal cruelty. It's viciously cold and blizzard-like out there!. We're supposed to get another 6 inches tomorrow. I'm glad the house is full of food and drinks because we aren't going anywhere for a while.
(This reminded me of my cats all looking out the door)