So, I'm sure you're captivated by the blog title today. I'm going to give you fair warning: this blog is sexual in content. If you are a close family member of mine I might reccommend you stop reading, because I'm about to talk about a very liberal subject........ Still here? Good. I like that optomistic spirit of yours so lets continue.
I'm usually a conservative person. I don't go out of my way to tell people about my sex life, but I'm not a prude either. Last night something happened that was so embarassing that I couldn't think of anything better to do than blog about it to my few, but faithful viewers.
Last night was one of the rare occassions that my sexual advances didn't work on Dan. He was supposed to wake up early the next day for class, and was too tired for any action. I was a little let down seeing as I'm usually the one saying, "I'm too tired." Right ladies? You've been there. So I decided I was going to accomplish this mission solo.
I put on my robe, which always makes me feel like a bit of a porn star. And I headed off to the computer room. I caught wind of this great porn site called I Feel Myself and yes, you have to pay money to join. However, let me be one to say..... it's totally worth it. So, as I was sifting through some new videos to spark the mood I put on my headphones. Right below our computer room is our neighbors bedroom. It was late at night and I figured some discretion might be tasteful in case he was down there trying to sleep.
I finally found something that turned me on enough to finish the job. I was feeling adventurous so I even listened to it a little bit louder than usual knowing only I could hear it. Sometimes listening to somebody else moaning and groaning is good enough to get the job done, and this video was not in short supply of that. It didn't take long before I started getting those tingles and jingles, and BAM! done. I was extrememly tired afterwards, so I put my clothes back on and started to put the headphones away...... only to realize...
I never plugged in the headphones. And it was LOUD tonight. I'm pretty sure my neighbor heard everything, but to keep my sanity I'm just going to tell myself he didn't. Maybe he's a hard sleeper, maybe he was sleeping on the couch tonight, maybe he wasn't even home. Maybe he didn't hear. So much for discretion.
About Me

- Reece Fox
- Beloit, Wisconsin, United States
- I'm Reece Fox; a 23 year old World of Warcraft playing, peace loving, song singing, tree hugger. I've got a sharp tongue, a hot temper, and a sarcastic quick-witted humor. Love me, hate me, just don't try to make me. Being something I'm not just ain't me.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.
Today I pulled into the parking lot at work and noticed there was a lone shopping cart that didn't quite make it back inside the store. If you've ever shopped at Kohl's you know it's not like Wal-Mart. There is no shopping cart area outside. So, somebody clearly got lazy and decided to leave it out. I thought about bringing it back inside, but I said to myself, "Who cares somebody else will do it eventually."
I started to walk away, and I realized.... that's a horrible way to think. If everybody thought this way the world would stop functioning. I remember saying to myself, "Just do it. You don't have to go out of your way. It's the right thing to do." So I picked it up to get it out of the woodchips it was surrounded by, and wouldn't you know it. As I lifted it, the metal bar shoved hard into my shin. It burned and throbbed for a while, but I didn't want to look weak in case anybody was around watching what just happened, so I walked it off like a champ. Not only did I hit it hard enough to bruise, but I actually took a layer of skin off as well.
I started to walk away, and I realized.... that's a horrible way to think. If everybody thought this way the world would stop functioning. I remember saying to myself, "Just do it. You don't have to go out of your way. It's the right thing to do." So I picked it up to get it out of the woodchips it was surrounded by, and wouldn't you know it. As I lifted it, the metal bar shoved hard into my shin. It burned and throbbed for a while, but I didn't want to look weak in case anybody was around watching what just happened, so I walked it off like a champ. Not only did I hit it hard enough to bruise, but I actually took a layer of skin off as well.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Welcome to Adulthood, Enjoy the Coffee.
It seems to me most adults drink coffee.
As a teenager I could never quite get over the bitter taste.
But last night I was curious to try again.
It will take some getting used to.
Then today I had another cup.
Okay, so it was more like milk & sugar with a splash of coffee.
But it's a start.
Coffee is such a comforting smell to me.
When I smell coffee I want to read a newspaper and listen to the news.
I want to sit on the back porch snuggled warm in a bathrobe.
I want to have a piece of pumpkin pie.
I want to wear a scarf & jump in a pile of leaves.
What's not to like about coffee?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
No You Cannot Be A Diva On My Birthday.
Today is my 22nd birthday. I have known since I was 14 that I wanted a tattoo, and so I decided this birthday I would drive to Kansas City and finally get one. For weeks I've been reminding my husband of "my tattoo this. my tattoo that." I told him where and when. This was fine with him until 2am when he surprised me with, "I'm not going to Kansas City. It's too far." The day OF he tells me this!! I'm pissed, but I negotiated to go to Lee's Summit which is a half hour closer. I started reading some online reviews for the place I chose; some good, some bad. After reading some bad ones he said, "Maybe you should rethink this tattoo idea." I'm annoyed to say the very... very least.
He left for class this morning, and got home at 4pm instead of the usual 2pm. Once he's home he says he's not ready to go to Lee's Summit until he has a nap. Then asks me, "Why can't you just get your tattoo on Saturday??"......... Seriously? Are you seriously asking me that question? After I specifically requested this day off? After weeks of planning? After telling all of my co-workers about the tattoo I was getting? You expect me to walk into work tomorrow without one? Go take your nap, you goddamn diva!
The entire drive there he had his arms crossed and didn't say a word. He wasn't very pleasant until he realized my dinner of choice for the night was Five Guys cheeseburgers. I swear, their food must have crack in it because both of us changed moods on a dime. We left in high spirits ready to get my tatto cherry popped. The tattoo artist, Jake, was very friendly and helpful. He talked me through everything I need to know when I get my next tattoo, and yes I said when, not if. When people say tattoos are addicting, now I know what they mean. I have a ridiculously low pain tolerancy, and this little guy took 15 minutes and I only winced about 3 times. I love the tattoo, my only complaint would be that it's kinda skinny, but that's fixable.
When we came home the pumpkin pie I'd baked earlier was ready for consumption and I was ready for the new premiere episode of South Park. They played a rerun before the new episode, and wouldn't you know it... "Make Love Not Warcraft" was on tv. My ALL time favorite South Park episode. Ever. So the day started off shaky but ended up being pretty special. My only regret is that my real mom never called me to wish me happy birthday. Not a phone call, not a card, not even an email. I knew she wouldn't, but it didn't make it hurt any less. It sucks when your own mother won't acknowledge she gave birth to you. She ruined my 21st birthday, so I promised myself I wouldn't let her ruin it for me this year. I make my own happiness.
He left for class this morning, and got home at 4pm instead of the usual 2pm. Once he's home he says he's not ready to go to Lee's Summit until he has a nap. Then asks me, "Why can't you just get your tattoo on Saturday??"......... Seriously? Are you seriously asking me that question? After I specifically requested this day off? After weeks of planning? After telling all of my co-workers about the tattoo I was getting? You expect me to walk into work tomorrow without one? Go take your nap, you goddamn diva!
The entire drive there he had his arms crossed and didn't say a word. He wasn't very pleasant until he realized my dinner of choice for the night was Five Guys cheeseburgers. I swear, their food must have crack in it because both of us changed moods on a dime. We left in high spirits ready to get my tatto cherry popped. The tattoo artist, Jake, was very friendly and helpful. He talked me through everything I need to know when I get my next tattoo, and yes I said when, not if. When people say tattoos are addicting, now I know what they mean. I have a ridiculously low pain tolerancy, and this little guy took 15 minutes and I only winced about 3 times. I love the tattoo, my only complaint would be that it's kinda skinny, but that's fixable.
When we came home the pumpkin pie I'd baked earlier was ready for consumption and I was ready for the new premiere episode of South Park. They played a rerun before the new episode, and wouldn't you know it... "Make Love Not Warcraft" was on tv. My ALL time favorite South Park episode. Ever. So the day started off shaky but ended up being pretty special. My only regret is that my real mom never called me to wish me happy birthday. Not a phone call, not a card, not even an email. I knew she wouldn't, but it didn't make it hurt any less. It sucks when your own mother won't acknowledge she gave birth to you. She ruined my 21st birthday, so I promised myself I wouldn't let her ruin it for me this year. I make my own happiness.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Find a Happy Place
Welcome to my world. For now I'm going with my alias: Reece Fox, how the name came about is a story for another time though. I decided to start blogging again (after quite a long hiatus) because I've been going through some hard times, sad times, even a few great times... and I need a place to put down my thoughts with a general disregard for the social consequences of what I say. I'm not a very positive or cheery person, but I'm trying to change that. I'm hoping writing will be just the stress relief I need to get my thoughts out in the open and off of my mind.
I haven't decided yet if I'm going to publicize this one or not. In the meantime, here's a lovely picture to inspire me (& you) to think out of the box and take the initiative to be a source of positivity in a prodominantly negative world.
I haven't decided yet if I'm going to publicize this one or not. In the meantime, here's a lovely picture to inspire me (& you) to think out of the box and take the initiative to be a source of positivity in a prodominantly negative world.
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